Kindle Clippings Export

Enables import kindle books notes and export these notes for selected book into text file. Tested for Kindle 1 and for Kindle PaperWhite (.NET framework 4.7.2).

How to use it ?

1) Click on "Select files" button.

2) Select one of more "MyClippings.txt" file(s).

3) List of books now contains data.

4) Bellow you can see imported notes. For export of these notes you can use button "Save as text".

Some another info for application

If you select more “myClipping.txt” files – files are sorted by last write time, so, first at order are readed first.

If checkbox “Perform small notes updates” is checked:

    - if starts with small letter, and “..” to start of the note.

    - if ends with for example with “,” or with small letter – replace last char with “..”.

if checkbox “Delete same starting previous” us checked:

    - if previous item is starting like current note, previous note is removed.