Examples - pi.science.regression.PIGompertzRegression
1. How to compute Gompertz regression for X and Y values
(with PARTIAL_SUMS method) ?
/* - prepare X data for regression */ PIVariable X = new PIVariable(); X.AddMoreValuesRange( 1, 29 ); /* - prepare Y data for regression */ PIVariable Y = new PIVariable(); Y.addValues( new int[] { 3, 5, 7, 9, 14 } ); Y.addValues( new int[] { 17, 21, 27, 36, 40 } ); Y.addValues( new int[] { 47, 54, 65, 71, 78 } ); Y.addValues( new int[] { 84, 96, 102, 108, 113 } ); Y.addValues( new int[] { 125, 129, 132, 136, 145 } ); Y.addValues( new int[] { 146, 148, 149, 151 } ); /* - create and compute regression */ PIGompertzRegression regression = new PIGompertzRegression( X, Y ); /* cut partial sums from START */ regression.SetCutStyleForPartialSum( CutStyleForPartialSum.START ); /* set calculation method */ regression.SetCalcMethod( CalcMethod.PARTIAL_SUMS ); regression.Calc(); /* - show results */ Console.WriteLine( regression.GetTextFormula() ); Console.WriteLine( regression.GetTextFormulaFilled() ); /* - calc prediction for X = 15 */ PIDebug.Blank(); Console.WriteLine( "Prediction for X=15 : " + regression.CalcPredictedY( 55.0 ) ); PIDebug.Blank(); Console.WriteLine( "Prediction errors:" ); Console.WriteLine( regression.GetErrors().AsString( 5 ) ); PIDebug.blank(); Console.WriteLine( "SSE = " + regression.GetSSE() ); Console.WriteLine( "ME = " + regression.GetME() ); Console.WriteLine( "MSE = " + regression.GetMSE() ); Console.WriteLine( "MAE = " + regression.GetMAE() ); Console.WriteLine( "MAPE = " + regression.GetMAPE() ); Console.WriteLine( "MPE = " + regression.GetMPE() );
y = gama * (A^((B^x)) y = 188.1880 * 0.0237^( 0.8941^x) Prediction for X=15 : 186.70111929865695 Prediction errors: -3.62885;-4.44769;-5.96931;-8.21619;-8.17836;-10.81467;-13.05679;-13.81519; -11.98598;-15.45785;-16.11842;-16.85955;-13.58145;-15.19549;-15.62583;-16.81005; -11.69903;-12.25615;-12.45621;-13.28404;-6.73306;-7.80382;-9.50265;-9.84037; -4.83120;-7.49180;-8.84040;-10.89620;-11.67878 SSE = 3874.8415717652333 ME = -10.933632784816385 MSE = 133.61522661259426 MAE = 10.933632784816385 MAPE = 28.334993780480005 MPE = -28.334993780480005