Examples - pi.science.math.PIGammaIncomplete
1. How to compute GAMMA lower and upper function for X ?
PIDebug.TitleBig( "Gamma lower/upper incomplete function" ); Console.WriteLine( "s=1 x=1 " ); Console.WriteLine( "Gamma lower incomplete : " + PIGammaIncomplete.CalcLower( 1, 1.0 ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Gamma upper incomplete : " + PIGammaIncomplete.CalcUpper( 1, 1.0 ) ); PIDebug.Blank(); Console.WriteLine( "s=2 x=5 " ); Console.WriteLine( "Gamma lower incomplete : " + PIGammaIncomplete.CalcLower( 2, 5.0 ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Gamma upper incomplete : " + PIGammaIncomplete.CalcUpper( 2, 5.0 ) );
s=1 x=1 Gamma lower incomplete : 0,632120558828557 Gamma upper incomplete : 0,367879441171442 s=2 x=5 Gamma lower incomplete : 0,959572318005487 Gamma upper incomplete : 0,0404276819945128