Examples - pi.science.hypothesistesting.PISkewnessTest
1. How to check if sample belongs to a normal distribution using Skewness test ?
PIVariable var = new PIVariable();
var.AddValues( new int[] { 34, 56, 39, 71, 84, 92, 44, 67, 98, 49, 55, 73,
50, 62, 75, 44, 88, 53, 61, 25, 36, 66, 77, 35 } );
PISkewnessTest test = new PISkewnessTest( var );
Console.WriteLine( "Z value = " + test.Z );
Console.WriteLine( "p-value = " + test.PValue );
Console.WriteLine( test.ToString() );
Z value = 0,414391226804069
p-value = 0,339293806980289
The sample belongs to a normal distribution -> accepted (0,05).