Stellaversum maps is PDF sky atlas accessible for free download.
Maps are suitaible for A3 (prefered), A4 printing, since release R3 (May/2020) is for charts used vector imaging.
Atlas is generated with
PI StarsMaps API,
PI Science API .NET libraries (still in developing for better functions).
Every issues should be reported to email
What is new in R3.1 release (May 2020) ?
Added info about release and version (BETTER-C version, others version in next releases): |
Better visibility mainly for double stars (or for heavy groups of stars): |
What is new in R3 release (May 2020) ?
Added support for nebulae irregular shapes: |
Added labels for objects (with name). If is nebula too small, is there rectangle too: |
Added names for constellations: |
Support for lighter parts of nebulae: |
Charts are now generated to vector (unlimited zooming): |
Five predefined charts set (CHILD, BASE_A, GOOD_B, BETTER_C, BEST_D). |
CHILD version (R3-29 map charts):
BASE-A version (R3-77 map charts):
BASE-A version (R3-77 map charts):
GOOD-B version (R3-142 map charts):
GOOD-B version (R3-142 map charts):
BETTER-C version (R3-227 map charts):
BETTER-C version (R3-227 map charts):
BEST-D version (R3.1-496 map charts):
Application with generator: |
Application with generator: |
..more details about release on download page. |
What is new in R2 release (Feb. 2020) ?
Added constellation shapes and its boundaries: |
Several color profiles for generation: |
Better solved coordinates: |
Double star indication: |
Added Galaxy symbol: |
Added some labels: |
Into chart added title and legend: |
Added cross map reference to every map: |
Added segmented overview map index: |
Added overview rectangular map index: |
Added constellation map index:
Application with generator: |
..more details about release on download page. |
Tasks for R4:
- Dialog for mouse click.
- BASE_A, first three - check coordinates.
- Add info about subversion.
- Draw other DSO types, supernova remnant, etc.
- Variable stars ?
- More shapes.
- Spiral galaxy for CHILD ?
- Label arrow lines - add check if intersects.
- North America nebula - ending line in SVG - check SVG.
- Little darker DSO symbol ?
- Exoplanets ?