Accesible products - WINDOWS

Product name Description Buy it now

Time Series Analyzer

Time Series Analyzer is tool for time series analyzing, creating of regression models, smoothing, seasonal adjustment, hypothesis testing, prediction, curves making, etc.
11.99 EURO

Matrix Abacus Calculator

A tool for math matrix computing. Matrix Abacus Calculator is a handy and reliable application designed to perform matrix calculations. Matrix Abacus Calculator is able to calculate matrix transpositions, inversion, determinant, multiplication, addition, substraction, etc. It features a nice GUI that makes it very intuitive.

Free online version is here.
8.99 EURO

Language Echolot

Language Echolot is a compact application designed to help you learn a foreign language by viewing the words and their translation on the desktop. The program includes a dictionary editor that allows you to create your own dictionary. The application runs in the background and you can access it from the tray icon in order to display a new word. 4.99 EURO

Accesible products - ANDROID

Product name Description Buy it now

Language Sprache Studio - lite

Application for English-German learning for adults, but with picture section for children too. Available test and full version. Full version contains over 1000 words (and it is without ads) !!!. Note: You need proper installed TTS (text-to-speech) module.

Language Sprache Studio - full

Application for English-German learning for adults, but with picture section for children too. Available test and full version. Full version contains over 1000 words (and it is without ads) !!!. Note: You need proper installed TTS (text-to-speech) module.
2.49 EURO